De La Salle College is specifically a Catholic School deriving its educational philosophy from Saint John Baptist de la Salle. As a Lasallian school, we have a special mission to nurture and support our most vulnerable students. In keeping with this philosophy we welcome boys of all abilities.
St John Baptist de la Salle believed that, in the person of the Lasallian teacher and within the Lasallian community of the school, a remedy was to be found for many of the ills of society. The need for such a remedy is just as evident today.Too many young people find themselves tossed about in a society which presents moral ambiguity and confusion. Too many are consumed by their wants rather than needs. For some, great peer pressure, low self-esteem and poverty of love and affection are a daily reality. The demands of everyday life may force many parents to spend less time and energy on the Christian formation of their children. This is the context within which Lasallian schools were conceived and in which De La Salle College continues to exist today and to find meaning.
We are reminded of our College ethos in a tangible sense in the many images of our founder and the patron saint of all teachers, St Jean Baptiste de la Salle.
With one hand the teacher is pointing his finger to give instruction and guidance to the pupil while the other hand is around the shoulder of the pupil demonstrating love, care and support. The pupil is listening to the teacher and is open to learning demonstrated with an open book. Lasallian teachers see themselves in the place of Christ and in the place of a loving parent concerned with the physical, spiritual and educational welfare of all of our students.

The staff in De La Salle College understand that they are working with young people who are still developing and growing. Our students still have a lot to learn and a lot to experience. We believe in these young people and so we work collectively to create a place of opportunity where we encourage all of our young people to grow to excellence in everything they do.