What is work experience?
Work experience is a very important part of the CEIAG curriculum.
Work experience gives you the chance to find out what work is really like and prepare for working life. It also helps you develop your career plan and look at options for your future.
How can work experience help me in the future?
It can:
help you prepare for working life
make you more independent
help prepare you for university or employment
help you identify any additional support you may need
improve your social skills, including communication and listening skills
improve your emotional wellbeing and confidence
give you experience of the world of work by helping you gain references for your CV (Curriculum Vitae)
provide evidence of your skills and knowledge for university applications, personal statements, references and information for application forms and interviews.
A note from the CEIAG Coordinator:
Dear Pupils and Parents/Guardians,
An aim of education is to help students improve their competencies and skills to enhance their long term employability prospects. The Work-Related Learning Programme in De La Salle College provides opportunity for students to do this. Work experience opportunities develop students’ self-learning skills, improve peer group learning, and enhance time management skills. Pupils can subsequently include the skills developed in their CV’s and perhaps in their application to Further and Higher Education.
Employers seek people who have played an active role in school life, who have broadened their perspectives through work related learning, and who have developed their interpersonal and other skills. Above all, employers want individuals who can reflect on their experiences of work and understand what they have learnt. The Work Shadowing programme allows students to fully do this.
I cannot emphasise the importance of organising a placement related to your career pathway and organising it early enough so that it does not detract from your studies and revision.
I wish you all the best. Good luck.
Michaella McAllister
Registering a Work Experience Placement:
In order to register a work experience placement, please click the button below: