The Mathematics Department promotes a welcoming, vibrant and positive atmosphere, where teachers provide high quality learning experiences and have high expectations of our pupils.
We are committed to supporting all pupils, across the full ability range, to ensure that they achieve their full potential.
At KS3 Students will learn through lessons which are:
active and engaging tasks
fun and interesting
provide the opportunity to work as individuals, or collaborate in pairs or small groups
Through active learning we aim to build each pupil’s confidence, foster a positive mind-set within the subject and develop problem solving and thinking skills; so that each pupil is equipped with a range of mathematical techniques necessary both in everyday lifeand their future careers.
We celebrate success and ensure that every pupil is recognised for their efforts; a prestigious Mathematician of the Month award is presented to deserving Year 8 and Year 9 pupils each month.
Click the link to see how we practice Maths Mastery
Students are encouraged to participate in various mathematical events and competitions throughout the year, such as;
Puzzle club
Maths Week Ireland
Pi Day
World Maths Day
At KS4 all pupils have the opportunity to achieve A* - C at GCSE. There are two tiers of entry, Foundation or Higher. Pupils are entered for the tier best suited to their ability.
All pupils will follow the CCEA GCSE Mathematics specification which covers
number and algebra;
geometry and measures; and
statistics and probability.
At the end of Year 11 pupils will be entered for Unit M2, M3 or M4 (one paper worth 45% of the total marks for the qualification).
In January of Year 12 pupils will be entered for Unit M6, M7 or M8 (two papers, calculator and non-calculator, worth 55% of the total marks for the qualification)
We employ differentiated levels of support and remedial strategies for underachievers, depending on each pupils’ area of difficulty.
Some pupil who intend to study Mathematics at A level, will complete their Maths GCSE in Year 11 and progress to study Further Mathematics GCSE in Year 12.
We encourage our most able pupils to continue their studies to A Level. All pupils will follow the CCEA GCE Mathematics specification.They take a combination of four modules in Pure Mathematics and two modules in Applied Mathematics. The full GCE award is based on marks from the AS (40%) and the A2 (60%).
Our current A Level pupils intend to progress to careers in Engineering, Accountancy, Teaching and Computer Science.