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Invitation to join the Glassmullin Pitch Management Committee (GPMC)

We encourage you to contact us if you wish to join:


(1) To encourage residents who live locally to Glassmullin Green, community user

groups, parents and other interested user groups to help with:

  • the early identification and reduction of any disturbance/issues which may arise during the construction phase of the Glassmullin development (August 2019 – June 2020);

  • ensuring that the best practical arrangements are put in place to deliver positive benefits for the local community; and

  • planning for the on-going management of the community use of the pitch, pavilion and car parking facilities

(2) To strengthen the relationship and communication between the school and

the local community

(3) To learn from best practice in other local community groups e.g. Upper

Andersonstown Community Forum

Specific Responsibilities:

To work in partnership with the De La Salle School Community to:

  • Develop a safe, harmonious and well-managed out-of-hours community facility

  • Develop and oversee fair Terms and Conditions/bookings for the public use of pitch facilities i.e. suggesting conditions for bookings, level of fees, access arrangements etc.

  • Ensure that consideration is given to various group access at certain times e.g. for local residents, young people, disability groups, women’s groups, men’s groups, ethnic minority groups, activities open to school groups and their families, and activities that centre on ‘school club links’

  • Ensure that community access provides the best use of public funding and value for money; ideally a cost-neutral approach

  • Consider external funding opportunities which may be available to help enhance the community’s current use of the school’s facilities

  • Attend quarterly meetings



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